
Unit 3 Reflection

 This was the first time I've done a project for this class that didn't involve text as the preferred medium. For this project, I focused on making my argument visually appealing while embedding some evidence in the form of screenshots and videos. I decided to do a presentation as opposed to a video since I'm not confident enough in my video making skills. I felt a presentation was appropriate since I was able to present all of my evidence and arguments in a visual manner. A presentation is easy to access, and the way Prezi is formatted makes the project interactive in a sense - not just reading words on slides. Using Prezi allowed me to embed videos with ease as well - you don't even have to leave the website to view the video, you can just view it on Prezi itself. I embedded videos as I feel it's important for my audience to interact directly with the source of my arguments.  I used social media to send this project to my intended audience, since my intended audie

Unit 3 Portfolio

 Link to my Prezi presentation on the impact of AI:

Graphic Novels

  The graphic novel that I chose was "Shop Cats of China", by Marcel Heijnen. This isn't the graphic novel in the typical sense, but I felt it sufficed because it used images and words to tell a story. The pictures show a typical day in a shopper's market in China, and one aspect of Chinese markets is the shop owners tend to let stray cats live in their shops. The cats chase and kill mice and rats that destroy the products. Reading this book and looking at the pictures told an interesting story about China, a story I didn't realize was reality. I'm also a big cat person, so naturally I would be drawn to content like this. Accompanying each image is a haiku written in the typical Japanese format; the haikus were meant to show the reader what the cat was thinking in each image. Some were funny, others were sweet and cute. It was super cool to learn how street markets in China typically operate and what they look like, and I also really enjoyed the fact that shop


 The two podcasts that we listened to focused on certain content spouting from Reddit. Reddit is infamous on the internet, and some claim it to be the closest legal website to the dark web. The sheer fact that you can find a subreddit on pretty much anything, no matter how disturbing, makes it interesting to study.  In the first podcast, the Whitesboro, NY seal was extensively mentioned. This seal was voted to be kept back in 2016, and since then there has been a lot of controversy behind it. This subreddit post  in particular showed the seal and explained that it was voted to be kept. The comments are all over the place, but one in particular that I found funny was one user comparing it to a second grader's drawing. Another comment said that the seal wasn't inherently offensive, just easily misinterpreted. The wide range of comments on this post show how Reddit is a great place for users to discuss something, especially if that something is controversial. The second podcast ta

Unit 2 Reflection

  As I stated in my portfolio post, I chose three friends of similar age to me to answer my potential research questions. This means that, overall, I’ve chosen my own generation to be the audience for my pitch. The reason I chose my generation is because of the pitch content itself – my generation uses technology the most out of any other generation, which means that we are affected most by technology’s advances. Most of us are in school as well, taking writing classes, so the development and usage of AI will definitely affect our ability to produce pieces for class. AI is also of hot interest in today’s day and age, so it’s easy to reach people of my gen eration who are interested in the subject. I’ve used various forms of social media to reach my intended audience about the subject of AI, and not surprisingly, I’ve gotten a lot of responses and opinions that have aided me in developing my work.   In doing research for this project, I challenged myself to look at sources that we

Unit 2 Portfolio

  Research question: How does AI impact our ability to do things, including writing? Is it a good thing that more and more types of AI are being developed, or are there too many cons?     I think that this question raises a lot of points of discussion. AI has been developed to help society thrive; we have machines doing things for us to make our lives easier. One example of a form of AI that’s taken the world by storm is ChatGPT – a software produced by OpenAI . ChatGPT is an AI system that can do lots of things – ranging from writing essays and poetry to solving complex mathematical problems. You can ask AI to write on literally any topic, and it will. Tasks that take a while can be reduced to mere minutes – according to a New York Times article, special education teacher Eli Snyder states, “What used to take me an hour now takes me five minutes ”. This, obviously, rises concerns with teachers and professors around the globe – students can use this software to do their ho me