
 The two podcasts that we listened to focused on certain content spouting from Reddit. Reddit is infamous on the internet, and some claim it to be the closest legal website to the dark web. The sheer fact that you can find a subreddit on pretty much anything, no matter how disturbing, makes it interesting to study. 

In the first podcast, the Whitesboro, NY seal was extensively mentioned. This seal was voted to be kept back in 2016, and since then there has been a lot of controversy behind it. This subreddit post in particular showed the seal and explained that it was voted to be kept. The comments are all over the place, but one in particular that I found funny was one user comparing it to a second grader's drawing. Another comment said that the seal wasn't inherently offensive, just easily misinterpreted. The wide range of comments on this post show how Reddit is a great place for users to discuss something, especially if that something is controversial.

The second podcast talked about how some users on Reddit resorted to trolling in order to combat hate. This podcast showcased yet another way that users on Reddit can use their online capabilities. I found it pretty clashing how people would resort to trolling instead of finding a more peaceful way to resolve hate, but on Reddit you can say pretty much anything. 

I've used Reddit in the past and I would say it is a very entertaining website to scroll through. Of course, there are certain subreddits that need to be avoided due to disturbing imagery, but for the most part you can come across pretty entertaining subreddits that has users offering a wide range of discussions.


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