Unit 3 Portfolio

 Link to my Prezi presentation on the impact of AI: 



  1. I really like your topic since mine was similar (I focused on art generate by AI) and yours seems to bring up info I'm familiar with. I particularly liked your slides about responses both pro Ai and con AI. I have only used chatgpt once but the first comment under the pro-AI section really resonated with me. When I used chatgpt I had it search through the internet for papers that fit the parameters of a project where I had to summarize a specific type of paper. Chatgpt was useful in finding papers I could use but once I got them I went in and did the real research of the contents of each paper and wrote about the one I selected. Its definitely a powerful tool and I really enjoyed how you presented chatgpt to your audience.

    John B

  2. Very well done project, the medium you chose was engaging and very informative without being mundane. Your research and primary sources are displayed well and make it easy to see that significant research was conducted to complete the project. I also did a topic about artificial intelligence so reading about it is interesting to me. The use of examples, videos, and the overall style of presentation meshed well together. I think you covered the counterargument adequately too which is an often forgotten or forgone task. Overall, a great project that I enjoyed experiencing.
    -Kirk Stefanick

  3. I really liked your project. I thought the formatting was a unique and creative method for displaying your information. I hav also been interested in the subject of AI, especially since the launch of Chat GBT. One part that I am interested in and you mentioned in your project, is how once launched, AI’s can grow and develop without human input. I don’t really know if it is scary or exciting that we have been able to create something that is actually functioning on its own and not just following a programed set if instructions. I think your project does a great job in explaining the current state of AI. I think your project’s combination of videos as well as writing creates a well blended mix and an overall good presentation
    - Anders

  4. I really enjoyed the platform you used, I think it was perfect for any audience because it was quick and easy to understand. I personally did not know much about AI and things like chatGPT so I was very interested to learn about what it does and how it can be used. I like how you also incorporated videos, I think it is a great tool to use in order to engage the audience. I think something like ChatGPT is both a positive things, showing us all that ChatGPT can do but at the same time it is scary in a way how rapid it is growing and has the possibility of taking over people's jobs. I thought it was good to look at both sides. Great job. -Hayden


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