Unit 3 Reflection

 This was the first time I've done a project for this class that didn't involve text as the preferred medium. For this project, I focused on making my argument visually appealing while embedding some evidence in the form of screenshots and videos. I decided to do a presentation as opposed to a video since I'm not confident enough in my video making skills. I felt a presentation was appropriate since I was able to present all of my evidence and arguments in a visual manner. A presentation is easy to access, and the way Prezi is formatted makes the project interactive in a sense - not just reading words on slides. Using Prezi allowed me to embed videos with ease as well - you don't even have to leave the website to view the video, you can just view it on Prezi itself. I embedded videos as I feel it's important for my audience to interact directly with the source of my arguments. 

I used social media to send this project to my intended audience, since my intended audience was people from my generation. Social media is the easiest way to do this, since it's something that my generation (myself included) interacts with at least once every day. When first showing off my project, I asked a question on my Instagram story to gain initial responses - how has AI impacted the world, especially in ways of writing? This was initially one of my research questions and I felt it was appropriate to ask to start off. I actually got more responses than I thought I would receive, so I definitely got a lot of interaction with my intended audience. Most people agreed that AI was important for society's acceleration, and that it has made writing far easier than ever (especially when you can use AI like ChatGPT to write essays for you in seconds). Once I pitched my research question, I then posted the link to my presentation so people could see my research on the subject. I did my best to show both sides of the argument - that is, those being for and against the evolution and implications of AI. Personally, I like the direction that we're going in in terms of technological development, but I can see why many are hesitant. I got a few responses from such hesitant people. Overall, I got lots of interaction from my intended audience on social media. My goal was to garner responses from my generation, since my generation is most likely the most impacted from the evolution of AI. I made a lot of new friends from this as well! 

Overall, peer review was incredibly helpful in the development of my unit 3 project. One comment that I got was, "Alex, I really like this topic, as it is very applicable to our lives as college students. I am interested as to why you chose this topic despite getting more engagement on another question when you shared your potential questions with your close friends. I love that you seamlessly included the video of the AI responding to questions, as it was really fascinating to see it generate answers so quickly. I also really liked that you included a screenshot of you using the platform because I think it added another visual component to your project." This was from Lauren on my Unit 2 project. The other comments on that blog post were very similar in nature. I liked how lots of people, including Lauren, liked my visual components of the project (for example, the screenshot of me interacting with ChatGPT as well as the videos showing more examples of how these software can be used). Since I found that people liked this method of presentation, I decided to do the same with my unit 3 project, albeit to a much higher degree. I really wanted to focus on visual presentation for unit 3, and it seemed that a lot of people from the class agreed. Taking this feedback, I added another example of me interacting with ChatGPT on my project, with the question "Can you give me a 100 word piece on grief?". Since people liked my integration of personal experience, I decided to do it again for this project.

I learned a lot about how to properly research with the three units, and I learned how to effectively integrate visual media into my argument. This was my favorite project to work on thus far. 

All sources used for my final project:




Asking ChatGPT itself how it works



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