Unit 2 Draft

 Research question: How does AI impact our ability to do things, including writing? Is it a good thing that more and more types of AI are being developed, or are there too many cons?” 


I think that this question raises a lot of points of discussion. AI has been developed to help society thrive; we have machines doing things for us to make our lives easier. One example of a form of AI that’s taken the world by storm is ChatGPT – a software produced by OpenAI. ChatGPT is an AI system that can do lots of things – ranging from writing essays and poetry to solving complex mathematical problems. You can ask AI to write on literally any topic, and it will. Tasks that take a while can be reduced to mere minutes – according to a New York Times article, special education teacher Eli Snyder states, “What used to take me an hour now takes me five minutes”. This, obviously, rises concerns with teachers and professors around the globe – students can use this software to do their homework for them. Due to its ever-increasing popularity, universities are already putting in place rules that ban the use of ChatGPT for homework or exam help. On a BBC video about the software, a comment from a math teacher claims that ChatGPT was able to solve “a number of calculus I & II application problems involving integrations and differentiation” with “a beautifully detailed solution for each question with correct notation”. They then claimed to have this worry them, since students can use this software to do their homework. In the near future, there will most likely be more advanced forms of ChatGPT to do our everyday activities for us. The fact that one program can produce thousands of words of writing in a matter of seconds can excite students and terrify professors.  

In my opinion, I think that the development of AI to help us with our writing and other activities is both a good thing and a bad thing. In some cases, it really helps us – tasks that take us hours to do is now reduced to only minutes. If we need detailed help on something and we don’t have time to click through links on Google, we can simply ask ChatGPT or other forms of AI the question and they can provide us with a detailed answer. I certainly would like to have this level of convenience everywhere I go. However, I do understand the concern that many people raise. Possibly the biggest opposition comes from teachers and professors – having such an easy tool at students’ fingertips, one can’t help but worry that they’ll use this and other software to complete their assignments, typically for writing essays. Writing essays can be a time-consuming and brain-frying process, so students might look towards the easy way out here – ChatGPT. 


 This is still a work in progress, writing is not done



  1. I really enjoyed how you chose to talk about ChatGPT, I didnt even think of that but it is a great connection between how technology is used in education. I also liked how you presented how ChatGPT is terrifying and exciting at the same time, since we need to talk about both sides of the argument. I also enjoyed that you included a personal statement including your own opinion on the matter, also in the rubric. Great job! -Hayden

  2. Regarding the format I thought your ideas were well separated and they flowed nicely. I think it was a good decision to separate your own opinions in another paragraph rather than joined together. I think the last sentence of the first paragraph sets up the opinion paragraph very well. -Hayden

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  4. Hey, you have a great outline so far. I think its really interesting and kind of scary how ChatGPT is able to do a lot of our work for us. But I also totally agree with your other side of that argument. I think you could maybe expand on your thesis and really make it stand out a bit more. Anyways, amazing so far! -Max

  5. i love your topic as AI and writing softwares are becoming more common. i think your quotes are also very supportive of what you say in your writing. -lauren goebel

  6. Your draft looks good so far. The sources you added are relevant to your conversation and provide useful evidence into the conversation. I would recommend to add a call to action/change in your draft. - Benjamin M.


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