Research Questions

 Potential research questions for the inquiry (writing and technology) 


  1. How does social media influence your ways of communication with other people? 


Response #1: Social media makes it easier to keep in touch with some friends but it’s also easy to lose touch with some people. For some social media such as groupme it’s easier to keep in touch with a lot of people in group chats and whatnot. For tiktok and instagram it’s a little bit harder since it’s added form of media on top of a form of entertainment for yourself so it’s easier to lose track of the “social” aspect to it. 

Response #2: Social media doesn’t intervene with the way I talk to people, I know though most of societies social aspect is reflection of social media. For me though I try to lay back from the different types and forms of social media and not to let it have any influence in the way I interact and socialize with others. 

Response #3: Social media makes it so much easier for me to communicate with my friends and colleagues. In some ways it can be a bit distancing, but in other ways it can be beneficial for me to communicate with my friends when they’re away. 


  1. How has writing evolved over the centuries? 


Response #1: Writing has changed from images to ancient forms of English and other languages known for the time but to present day there are many different types of writing, such as informal and formal depending on the audience. 


Response #2: Writing has definitely changed heavily over history, with the development of new technologies to make that possible. 


Response #3: The evolution of technology has made it easier for us to convey our writing to others. 


  1. How has the evolution of ariticial intelligence been beneficial towards our ways of writing? Are there any cons? 


Response #1: AI has been responsible for being able to write stuff for us, so writing definitely has evolved in that way. Unfortunately, this can lead to laziness in writing since we can just get AI to do it for us. 


Response #2: As many people said AI and technology are the future, they’re intellects far beyond what we are able and can understand. We can even ask an AI to create us a story based off almost nothing and it will come up with things on its own, that’s something that will definitely have a heavy hand in the influence of writing. 


Response #3: AI as a whole has been helpful in conveying our writing, since we can just ask an AI to write something for us. This makes writing easier, but can also open up ways for people to take “the easy way out” so to speak. 



I’ve found that, with the three friends that I asked, I got the most engagement where the question was asking more about personal experiences. Two of the questions were phrased like an essay question you’d typically encounter in a writing class so it seemed I got the least amount of engagemet here. The first question was directed more towards personal experiences (their personal use of social media), and due to this I found that they were more willing to engage with the content and give a more detailed answer. Overall, though, I got a decent level of engagement for all of the questions. The people I chose also varied in their general work ethic, however each of them provided responses of similar caliber. This was a fun experiment to do while also being able to strengthen my research questions for the course inquiry. 


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