
Showing posts from February, 2023

Research Questions

  Potential research questions for the inquiry (writing and technology)     How does social media influence your ways of communication with other people?     Response #1: Social media makes it easier to keep in touch with some friends but it’s also easy to lose touch with some people. For some social media such as groupme it’s easier to keep in touch with a lot of people in group chats and whatnot. For tiktok and instagram it’s a little bit harder since it’s added form of media on top of a form of entertainment for yourself so it’s easier to lose track of the “social” aspect to it.     Response #2: Social media doesn’t intervene with the way I talk to people, I know though most of societies social aspect is reflection of social media. For me though I try to lay back from the different types and forms of social media and not to let it have any influence in the way I interact and socialize with others.     Response #3: Social media makes it so much easier for me to co

Unit 1 Reflection

  For the three sources that I chose, I felt that they were of good quality . They were written by reputable authors and the information they contained was believable and of great quality . All the sources that I chose g ave quality information that I used to help respond to the course inquiry. As a writer, I feel that I have gotten stronger with analysing sources and writing about how they speak about a specific prompt. The first source that I chose, an article about COVID-19 misinformation, I felt was a good one because it is relevant to current events and has a say in the course inquiry – how misinformation about the virus can be spread in a few seconds as opposed to centuries earlier wh ere news usually spread by word of mouth. This is all thanks to our advancements in technology. The second source, the article on Frontiers for Young Minds, shows how technology has enabled us to share our work with people from around the world in a matter of seconds, and have that work reviewed